New genomic information that will support the conservation of A. m. carnica

In a recent study The Carniolan Honeybee from Slovenia – A Complete and Annotated Mitochondrial Genome with Comparisons to Closely Related Apis mellifera Subspecies, supported also by the EEA and Norway Grants, researchers sequenced and annotated the mitochondrial genome of a specimen of A. m. carnica from Slovenia and compared the obtained data with a previously published sample of the A. m. carnica from Austria and the closely related Italian honeybee A. m. ligustica.

The results of this study represent a valuable addition to the information available for phylogenomic studies of the honeybee. They may reflect historical dispersal and isolation, as well as conservation and protection measures for the management of this indigenous honeybee subspecies in Slovenia. Additionally, the findings are essential for the local subspecies’ conservation and preservation and form the basis for investigations into the molecular mechanisms underlying important phenotypic traits of A. mellifera— a pollinator species of worldwide importance.

Read it HERE.

BeeConSel appierd on the macedonian agricultural TV show

BeeConSel was presented on Brazdi, an agricultural show on Macedonian Channel 5 television. Prof. Dr Aleksandar Uzunov, coordinator of BeeConSel in N. Macedonia, Assoc. Dr Janez Prešern, project coordinator, and Magdalena Jovanovska a student at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje and our target group member talked about the goals, activities and expected results of the implementation of the BeeConSel project.